Believe, with Allah things are possible...

Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation? Is what you’re asking Allah for seem unlikely to come to pass? Is your faith being tested?

Perhaps, you feel completely trapped, hedged in and overwhelmed, with no solution in sight. Maybe you’re confronted with a challenge where there is no resolution. Or, your heart is heavy with doubt as you can’t figure out what to do next, for there appears to be nothing you can do about what you now face. On an emotional rollercoaster, you could be wondering, “How can things change for the better?”
However, impossibilities are the platforms upon which Allah does His best work. Have faith. With man it may be impossible. But with Allah, all things are possible.
Once, a teenager asked a mother of three, “Why do you love your children?” Instantly, the mother replied, “Because they are mine.”

As it is with Allah’s love for you, He loves you because you are His. So boldly look with hope and confidence to the future. Every day expect the best that Allah has for your life. And in your mind’s eye, visualize the great Creator of the Universe going before you, standing behind you and guiding every step you take ahead. Allah has a plan for you and is working a miracle in the midst of your biggest challenge. Victories are forthcoming, with more love, more joys and more blessings, in store for you.

I’m reminded of the beautiful words of a song which state:

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He works in ways we cannot see

He will make a way for me

He will be my guide

Hold me closely to His side

With love and strength

For each new day

He will make a way

He will make a way.”

Allah can change impossible situations. He sometimes moves mysteriously, but will provide what you need in miraculous ways. And it is going to be far better than you can ever imagine.

So, do what you can, and Allah will successfully execute what you can’t. Nothing is impossible with Him.
